Iraqi woman charged with role in Kayla Mueller’s death, The wife of a chief Islamic State baton who was asleep in a U.S. arrest endure year has been answerable in federal cloister with captivation American Kayla Mueller earnest and with accidental to the aid worker’s death, the Amends Department says.
Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar, aswell accepted as Umm Sayyaf, accepted afterwards her abduction endure May that she and her bedmate kept Mueller bound forth with several added adolescent changeable hostages, according to an FBI affirmation filed in the case. U.S. admiral accept said that while in custody, Mueller was again affected to accept sex with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the baton of the Islamic State group
The bent complaint, filed by federal prosecutors in Alexandria, Virginia, accuse Umm Sayyaf with cabal to accommodate actual abutment to a adopted alarm organization, consistent in death.
The case was brought one year afterwards Mueller was accepted asleep by her ancestors and the Obama administration, admitting it’s not bright if or if Umm Sayyaf will be brought to the U.S. to angle trial.
The 25-year-old Iraqi woman, who was captured endure year, is currently in Iraqi aegis and adverse case there. Her husband, Abu Sayyaf, a above Islamic State abbot for oil and gas, was asleep endure May in a Delta Force arrest of his compound.
“We absolutely abutment the Iraqi case of Sayyaf and will abide to plan with the authorities there to accompany our aggregate ambition of captivation Sayyaf answerable for her crimes,” Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, arch of the Amends Department’s civic aegis division, said in a statement.
“At the aforementioned time, these accuse reflect that the U.S. amends arrangement charcoal a able apparatus to accompany to buck adjoin those who abuse our citizens abroad. We will abide to accompany amends for Kayla and for all American victims of terrorism,” he added.
Mueller, from Prescott, Arizona, was taken earnest with her boyfriend, Omar Alkhani, in August 2013 afterwards abrogation a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, Syria, area he had been assassin to fix the Internet annual for the hospital. Mueller had begged him to let her tag forth because she capital to do abatement plan in the war-ravaged country. Alkhani was appear afterwards two months, accepting been beaten.
Mueller was transferred in September 2014 forth with two Kurdish women of Yazidi coast from an Islamic State bastille to the Sayyafs, according to the FBI affidavit, which says the brace at times abandoned the captives, kept them in bound rooms, dictated orders about their activities and movements and showed them agitated Islamic State advertising videos.
After her abduction endure year, the affirmation says, Umm Sayyaf accepted she was amenable for Mueller’scaptivity while her bedmate catholic for Islamic State business.
She said that al-Baghdadi would occasionally break at her home and that he “owned” Mueller during those visits, which the FBI says was affiliated to slavery.
The Amends Department complaint echoes beforehand assertions from U.S. intelligence officials, who had toldMueller’s ancestors that their babe was again affected to accept sex with al-Baghdadi.
“The actor knew how Ms. Mueller was advised by Baghdadi if Ms. Mueller was captivated adjoin her will in the defendant’s home,” the affirmation states.
A Yazidi jailbait who was captivated with Mueller and able in October 2014 said al-Baghdadi took Mueller as a “wife,” again raping her if he visited. The 14-year-old Yazidi babe fabricated her way to Iraqi Kurdistan, area she talked to U.S. commandos in November 2014. Intelligence agencies corroborated her annual and American admiral anesthetized it on to Mueller’s parents in June 2015.
Nisreen Assad Ibrahim Bahar, aswell accepted as Umm Sayyaf, accepted afterwards her abduction endure May that she and her bedmate kept Mueller bound forth with several added adolescent changeable hostages, according to an FBI affirmation filed in the case. U.S. admiral accept said that while in custody, Mueller was again affected to accept sex with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the baton of the Islamic State group
The bent complaint, filed by federal prosecutors in Alexandria, Virginia, accuse Umm Sayyaf with cabal to accommodate actual abutment to a adopted alarm organization, consistent in death.
The case was brought one year afterwards Mueller was accepted asleep by her ancestors and the Obama administration, admitting it’s not bright if or if Umm Sayyaf will be brought to the U.S. to angle trial.
The 25-year-old Iraqi woman, who was captured endure year, is currently in Iraqi aegis and adverse case there. Her husband, Abu Sayyaf, a above Islamic State abbot for oil and gas, was asleep endure May in a Delta Force arrest of his compound.
“We absolutely abutment the Iraqi case of Sayyaf and will abide to plan with the authorities there to accompany our aggregate ambition of captivation Sayyaf answerable for her crimes,” Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, arch of the Amends Department’s civic aegis division, said in a statement.
“At the aforementioned time, these accuse reflect that the U.S. amends arrangement charcoal a able apparatus to accompany to buck adjoin those who abuse our citizens abroad. We will abide to accompany amends for Kayla and for all American victims of terrorism,” he added.
Mueller, from Prescott, Arizona, was taken earnest with her boyfriend, Omar Alkhani, in August 2013 afterwards abrogation a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, Syria, area he had been assassin to fix the Internet annual for the hospital. Mueller had begged him to let her tag forth because she capital to do abatement plan in the war-ravaged country. Alkhani was appear afterwards two months, accepting been beaten.
Mueller was transferred in September 2014 forth with two Kurdish women of Yazidi coast from an Islamic State bastille to the Sayyafs, according to the FBI affidavit, which says the brace at times abandoned the captives, kept them in bound rooms, dictated orders about their activities and movements and showed them agitated Islamic State advertising videos.
After her abduction endure year, the affirmation says, Umm Sayyaf accepted she was amenable for Mueller’scaptivity while her bedmate catholic for Islamic State business.
She said that al-Baghdadi would occasionally break at her home and that he “owned” Mueller during those visits, which the FBI says was affiliated to slavery.
The Amends Department complaint echoes beforehand assertions from U.S. intelligence officials, who had toldMueller’s ancestors that their babe was again affected to accept sex with al-Baghdadi.
“The actor knew how Ms. Mueller was advised by Baghdadi if Ms. Mueller was captivated adjoin her will in the defendant’s home,” the affirmation states.
A Yazidi jailbait who was captivated with Mueller and able in October 2014 said al-Baghdadi took Mueller as a “wife,” again raping her if he visited. The 14-year-old Yazidi babe fabricated her way to Iraqi Kurdistan, area she talked to U.S. commandos in November 2014. Intelligence agencies corroborated her annual and American admiral anesthetized it on to Mueller’s parents in June 2015.
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