General says poor leadership is biggest problem for Afghans

General says poor leadership is biggest problem for Afghans, The top American administrator in Afghanistan told Congress on Tuesday that a lot of of the problems adverse the Afghan aegis armament axis from poor leadership.

Testifying afore the House Armed Services Committee, Army Gen. John F. Campbell said the Afghan National Army has replaced 92 accepted officers, including a high-level administrator in airy Helmand province.

The Afghan autogenous admiral is still "lagging behind" in authoritative administration changes, he said. U.S. armament are "taking achieve to antidote this through our train, admonish and abetment mission," Campbell said. He cautioned that the institutional changes that are appropriate will yield time.

Campbell's affidavit comes as assembly are growing agnostic amidst apropos that deepening aegis altitude appeal a greater amount of U.S. armament to ensure the assets fabricated in the war-torn country back 2001 aren't lost.

President Barack Obama affairs to cut American troops numbers from the accepted 9,800 to 5,500 afore he leaves office. Obama backtracked from his antecedent plan to abate the force to 1,000 by the end of 2016.

Afghanistan "is at an articulation point," Campbell told the committee. "I accept if we do not achieve deliberate, abstinent adjustments, 2016 is at accident of getting no better, and possibly worse, than 2015."

"Ultimately, Afghanistan has not accomplished an constant akin of aegis and adherence that justifies a abridgement in our abutment in 2016," Campbell said. He alleged Obama's accommodation to advance the U.S. force at 9,800 through a lot of of 2016 "welcome and important."

Campbell is accepted to retire anon and Obama has nominated Army Lt. Gen. John Nicholson, Jr., to alter him.

Republicans accept continued assailed Obama's avenue strategy, arguing that altitude on the arena in Afghanistan, not a calendar, should actuate the clip of the withdrawal. With the Taliban staging new offensives and the Islamic State agitator accumulation gluttonous a attendance in Afghanistan, aldermanic Democrats aswell are adopting the anticipation of an continued stay.

Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, the committee's chairman, acclaimed that the reductions in force accept bargain the adequacy to accumulate intelligence on looming threats. "It is harder to accumulate up with the adversary and anticipate addition advance on our homeland," Thornberry said. He said he is anxious Campbell does not accept the assets and ascendancy he needs.

Campbell said Islamic State militants abide to conduct barbarous attacks adjoin civilians, and anon attempt with the Taliban for assets to authorize a ballast in the country." But he said U.S. armament accept had ample success in "degrading their capabilities."

While advancement for his additional term, Obama promised the war in Afghanistan would end on his watch. At the end of 2014, the White House declared an end to action operations there. Yet American armament and money abide committed as Afghan troops and badge boring yield over the fighting.

The mission of the U.S. troops in Afghanistan is to conduct counterterrorism operations and to alternation and abetment the Afghan aegis forces. Nicholson assured the Senate Armed Services Board during his acceptance audition endure anniversary that he would do a absolute analysis to achieve abiding there are abundant American armament to achieve both assignments.

Nicholson acknowledged, however, that aegis altitude are deepening in Afghanistan. The Afghans captivated their own in 2015 during action adjoin the insurgency, he said, but are still not self-sustaining. The U.S. continues to accommodate the aggregate of the money to alternation and accouter the Afghan aggressive and badge -- added than $4.1 billion was allotted in budgetary year 2015 abandoned to the Afghanistan Aegis Armament Fund, according to the Defense Department.

"The Taliban came at the (Afghan forces) added acutely than conceivably we anticipated," Nicholson said. "Because of that, we did not achieve the advances we projected we anticipation we would make."

Overall, the U.S. has committed $113 billion back 2002 for about-face projects in hopes of establishing a stable, activity Afghan government. Yet, about 15 years later, Afghanistan still lacks the accommodation to apart accomplish and advance the hospitals, roads, ability plants, and added congenital with all the money.
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