Kim Davis Pope Francis, Pope Francis met a Kentucky canton agent endure anniversary who was confined for abnegation to affair alliance licenses to gay couples, the Vatican said on Wednesday, acknowledging beforehand letters from the United States.
"I do not abjure that the affair took place, but I accept no animadversion to add," Vatican agent Federico Lombardi said in a statement.
Earlier, Lombardi had said he could neither affirm nor abjure the meeting.
Rowan Canton Agent Kim Davis and her bedmate met the pope during the Washington leg of his appointment to the United States, she and her advocate told American media.
"I do not abjure that the affair took place, but I accept no animadversion to add," Vatican agent Federico Lombardi said in a statement.
Earlier, Lombardi had said he could neither affirm nor abjure the meeting.
Rowan Canton Agent Kim Davis and her bedmate met the pope during the Washington leg of his appointment to the United States, she and her advocate told American media.
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