Brody Jenner on the Kardashians: 'They’re Not Technically My Family'

Brody Jenner on the Kardashians: 'They’re Not Technically My Family', Brody Jenner thinks the Kardashians are incredible individuals, yet the truth star doesn't comprehend why everybody circles the Jenners and Kardashians together.

Jenner, 31, had only pleasant things to say in regards to Kim, Khloe, Kris and Kourtney, however included he doesn't see every one of them that often."I cherish all of them, we get along simply extraordinary ... [They are] manifestly obvious. Essentially what you see on TV is the way they are as a family," he told Yahoo Style in advancement of his new E! show "Sex With Brody."

At the point when asked what Christmas is similar to between the two families, Jenner said, "We don't spend Christmas together ... Growing up, we had two totally separate lives. The Kardashians were the Kardashians and the Jenners were the Jenners. I think we went to a Christmas party yet that is about it."

Jenner was really told surprisingly that Kim was having a kid and said, "To be completely forthright, I don't even truly know Kanye that well by any means. I've just met him one time, so I don't generally know [the Wests] ... That is the one thing individuals don't comprehend is that we experience two totally separate lives. What's more, everyone ties us in together as the Kardashians and the Jenners, however now what's fascinating is they got a separation so they're not even in fact my family any longer."

Jenner additionally talked about his association with Caitlyn, 65, saying he feels like he's at long last "becoming more acquainted with the individual that had me."

"It's been a voyage, I will say that for every one of us. I am not going to say its been the least demanding thing on the planet, it hasn't. There have been a considerable measure of things that have been hard to manage, yet when its all said and done its not about me, its Caitlyn. Presently Caitlyn is in a much more satisfied spot. What's more, you just have one life and its short and I think you ought to be who you are," he said.
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