Teen bonnie clyde arrested

Teen bonnie clyde arrested, A 15-year-old young lady and 16-year-old kid who were needed regarding a two-state wrongdoing spree that endured just about one week "settled on the right choice" when they pivoted and surrendered as opposed to attempting to swim over the Ohio River, police said.

The high schoolers, Rose May, 15, of Sycamore, Ohio, and Triston Kindle, 16, of Upper Sandusky, Ohio, were attempting to escape police in Tyler County, West Virginia, Saturday, when they hopped into the Ohio River, West Virginia State Police Sgt. C.J. Lantz said.

The two began to swim over the wide stream, however then turned back.

"They surrendered," Lantz said. "I'm certain on the off chance that they could've continued onward, they would have. Fortunately they settled on the right choice not to attempt to swim the whole width of the Ohio River and returned to shore."

He said the couple had a shotgun and May had a handgun.

"She had it with her amid the foot interest and in this manner when she hopped into the Ohio River," Lantz said.

The pursuit that prompted their capture started when they were spotted on West Virginia Route 2 driving a GMC Denali that had been accounted for stolen. They declined to draw over and were pursued by police for around 12 miles, until they smashed the vehicle in Sisterville, as per a police report about the capture.

The two fled by walking, in the long run hopping into the Ohio River to attempt to escape catch, police said.

The teenagers' guardians were advised and are going to New Martinsville, West Virginia to meet with agents, police said.

While Elizabeth Township, Pennsylvania, Police Chief David Kerestes had called the couple "an advanced Bonnie and Clyde" in a meeting with ABC member WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh, Rose's dad John May told the station: "They're simply frightened children."

"Neither of them have a background marked by harming a solitary soul," May told WTAE-TV. "I couldn't care less what you did, I simply need you home safe."

The wrongdoing spree began Monday when the team supposedly stole a truck, and afterward on Tuesday purportedly stole shotgun shells, in Ohio, as per the Wyandot County Sheriff's Office in Ohio.

The youngsters then professedly discarded their first stolen auto in Pennsylvania and stole a second auto, as per the Wyandot County Sheriff's Office.

Early Thursday, the adolescents supposedly attempted to ransack an accommodation store service station, at gunpoint in Elizabeth Township, Pennsylvania, Allegheny County Police Superintendent Charles Moffatt told ABC News Friday.

At the point when a cop reacted, the adolescents attempted to escape in the supposedly stolen truck, Moffat said.

"The officer, trying to snatch them from the truck, snatched the entryway handle and trying to open the entryway, they began pulling without end," he said. "The officer felt he needed to hang on the grounds that he thought he would get dragged underneath the truck. ... He was dragged a short separation."

The officer then give up and the teenagers fled, Moffat said. The officer's wounds were not life-undermining, Moffatt included.

The second stolen auto was discovered surrendered close to the site of the burglary, authorities said.

The youngsters were needed in Pennsylvania on charges including theft and exasperated ambush on a cop, Moffatt said.

ABC News has been not able to achieve the high schoolers' families.
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