Pregnant Woman From Bataclan Attack Survived, Says Her Rescuer

Pregnant Woman From Bataclan Attack Survived, Says Her Rescuer, One of abounding alarming images from Friday’s Paris attacks was of a abundant woman dangling from a window of the Bataclan. Now, a acquaintance of the anonymous woman says she survived and has been in blow with the man who helped save her. A man articular alone as Sebastien says he was affected to clamber beyond bodies while aggravating to escape the amphitheater and came beyond two windows.

“A woman was blind from one them, she was abundant and was argumentation with the humans beneath her to bolt her if she jumped. Beneath it was chaos,“ he tells La Provence, per the Local. Sebastien says he climbed through the added window and clung to a aperture about 50 anxiety aloft the ground.

"I captivated on for 5 account and again the abundant woman, who was exhausted, asked me to advice her get aback inside. And that is what I did,” he says, per Sky News.

A video (warning: contains advancing scenes) captured allotment of the rescue, but Sebastien says he didn’t apperceive area the woman went afterward. He begin a ambuscade abode central the amphitheater but was bound discovered.

“I acquainted the butt of a Kalashnikov adjoin my leg,” he says, per the Guardian, abacus he was affected to lay on the attic as gunmen accursed from a balcony, heard them say they capital to accomplish others ache like those in Syria, and watched as concertgoers were attempt and killed. He able if badge raided the building.

“I was trampled but it was the happiest affliction of my life. I was protected. I was alive,” he says. A acquaintance of the abundant woman tweeted that both the woman and her babyish are fine. “We accept begin the man who adored my friend,” he adds, per the Local. “The blow of the adventure is theirs.” (Another survivor recalls the horror, heroes, and “cries of developed men.”
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