Burt Reynolds' addiction to sleeping pills almost killed him

Burt Reynolds' addiction to sleeping pills almost killed him, Burt Reynolds is advancing apple-pie about his bloom struggles and agitated adulation activity in his accessible account "But Enough About Me."

RadarOnline letters that in the tell-all, the 79-year-old amateur data the alternation of contest that led to his addiction to sleeping pills and the adventure that about amount him his life.

The agitation started in the '80s if he al of a sudden absent 40 pounds due to a abstruseness illness, bidding rumors that he was dying of AIDS.

According to Burt, Hollywood angry its aback on him: "It wasn't just the accepted a-------," he writes. "It was humans I anticipation were my acceptable friends. … So abounding accompany had bare me, I joked that I was extenuative lots of money on Christmas cards."

Per Radar, even his architecture artisan and dentist banned to plan with him over the apocryphal reports.

"I told anybody it was a torn jaw but cipher believed me," he adds.

Burt, who says he was a "bag of bones" during this time, was eventually diagnosed with temporomandibular disorder, added frequently accepted as TMD or TMJ. (TMJ affects the collective that connects the jaw and the skull, which can accomplish bistro aliment unbearably painful.)

He again became absorbed to the Halcion drugs he'd been assigned to advice him beddy-bye while ambidextrous with the affliction of TMJ. Although his doctor brash him to seek able analysis to accord with the addiction, Burt went algid turkey instead.

"I fell into a blackout and at one point the doctors anticipation I ability die," Radar quotes Burt, "but afterwards about 8 or 9 hours I regained consciousness. I never took addition Halcion."

Sadly, that wasn't the end of his action with addiction. Afterwards he underwent aback anaplasty years later, he landed in adjust for decree bolus dependency.

The "Deliverance" amateur aswell dishes on his A-list adventurous conquests in his memoir: "The accuracy is, I never did like her," he writes of ex-wife Loni Anderson, whom he accuses of maxing out his $45,000 American Express acclaim agenda absolute in 30 minutes, auctioning a $10,000 dresses she'd alone beat already and more.

He aswell opens up about his drove on Bette Davis, his debilitating breakdown from Dinah Shore -- "I could almost action for weeks," he writes -- and his accord with common co-star Sally Field.

"I'm apologetic I never told her that I admired her, and I'm apologetic we couldn't accomplish it work," he writes of Sally. "It's the better affliction of my life."

"But Enough About Me" is accessible starting Nov. 17. 
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